Ryan has been making us smile for 4 weeks today. Hard to believe- but is is also hard to remember what made me this happy prior to 4 weeks ago. She has changed a lot in 4 weeks, but especially this past week. Ryan now weighs 9 lbs 4 oz. That is 2 lbs more than at birth! She is a good eater just like her parents. She is getting longer everyday- now 22.5 inches! She will be a tall girl. We are finally getting to see a little chub on her legs. So cute! She had some complexion issues this week- baby acne. Her Dad thought it was funny to call her "pizza face". Poor girl. Her Grandpa got her to smile for the first time (non gas related) yesterday. I wish I had gotten a picture! I will be ready next time. She is way ahead of schedule on that one. She has started tracking objects with her eyes. See video below. Her personality is really starting to show up! She is making more sounds and is very expressionate.
Ryan had more out of town visitors this week. My girlfriends from Houston, Rox and CiCi came to meet her. Roxie brought her darling 3 year old daughter, Avery who was so sweet to "Baby Ryan". We had a great visit with all of them. Chris went back to work Friday- we have survived the 2 shifts he has been at work. Thankfully, my parents watch her for a few hours during the day so I can workout. We are getting into a routine and I am starting to feel less zombie like. Life with Ryan is wonderful- what the heck did we do beofre her?????
Here are a few pictures from the past week and her newborn pictures that we just got back.