I cannot believe that Christmas has come and gone already! What a fun time we had with all of our families! This year we decided to do a lot of the celebrating at our house. It was nice for Ryan to be in her own environment and get her normal naps. She was so fun to watch this year. Although she didn't "get it" 100% this year she definitely enjoyed opening gifts and spending time with all of the people who love her!
Thankfully, this year Chris was off Christmas Eve AND Christmas Day! We started out Christmas Eve having brunch at our house with the Clarke side of our family. Then after Ryan's nap we went to the extended Clarke family Christmas gathering, just a few miles away from our house. (I failed to get pictures from that part of our day.) We made it back home for Ryan's afternoon nap and for Chris and I to start cooking dinner. We spent the evening with the Ivie side of our family and Mamaw and Grandpa came by for dessert and wine. Christmas morning we opened gifts with the Cox grandparents and then we headed to Dallas to spend the day with the rest of the Cox clan. It was a fun filled two days and we were very spoiled with many wonderful gifts!

Wearing the Christmas apron my mom made me
(a necessity to keep the belly clean while preparing Christmas Eve brunch)

Chris getting started making breakfast

Enjoying brunch!
(Ry was napping)

Aunt Meredith and Paul helping Ryan eat her breakfast after she woke up

Opening gifts from Gran and Pawpaw

Eliana opening her gifts

Ryan loved her new piano!

Testing out her new zebra ride from Aunt Meredith and Eliana!

Sweet cousins

Aunt Meredith and Paul

Papa, Uncle Zach, Gramma and Ryan

Aunt Bethany playing with Ry

These two were goofing off at the dinner table....

........and Ryan thought it was hilarious!

Ivie Christmas Eve dinner

More presents!

Aunt Bethany and Uncle Zach

Ivie girls modeling our new scarfs
(Baby Ivie #2 is blocking beautiful Bethany!)

Ryan eating pie in her new p.j.'s from Gramma and Papa

She got a sugar high and went running around the house chasing Eliana!

Mamaw and Gramma

Gramma and Aunt Bethany

Mamaw and Chris

Eliana giving Toot some Christmas Eve love!

I love this picture of Papa and Uncle Zach

Grandpa and Mamaw
They wore their new outfits that they gave to each other for Christmas!
They had no idea that they would be matching!

Even after opening all our gifts with half of the family on Christmas
Eve our tree was still pretty full Christmas morning!

Ryan's precious rocking chair that Mamaw and Grandpa got for her

She figured it out pretty quick!

Ryan got a play tent and tunnel

She wasn't so sure about it.
Mommy had to go in first.

Grandpa got in too!

Ry and Grandpa eating Christmas breakfast before we opened gifts

Helping Mamaw open

Ryan got a new bath time baby from Mamaw and Grandpa

She was ready to start washing the baby

She got a stroller for her baby too!

More gifts!

Ry checking herself out in her new pink boots
(thanks Breckel family!)

Tauri and Claudya

Ryan and Aunt Mis

More gifts!

Uncle and Dustin
(At first Ryan was confused thinking Dustin was Uncle)

Ry got her own set of animals and a princess suitcase to store them in!

Mom was responsible for games.
(She never disapoints in this department)
She was the time keeper/judge for a few of them.

One of our many relay games

The girls whooped the boys in all the games!

And Dustin and I dominated ping pong!