I used to dread Sundays. I hated the fact that the fun weekend was over and that work was right around the corner. I have ALWAYS hated for a good time to end. I would try to make fun Sunday plans (brunch with friends, day on the lake, shopping), anything to take away the Sunday blues.......I am happy to say that I no longer suffer from the Sunday blues! (At least not that bad). I still get bummed that I have to go to work the next day, but I now look forward to our family Sunday fun days!
This past Sunday was an ideal day for me. I loved every second of it. We (the 3 of us!) ALL got to "sleep in", which now consists of waking at 7:45. Since Chris works 24 hour shifts, there is only one day on the weekends that we get to wake up together, and lately I have been working a lot of Saturdays, so we have had weekends where we don't get to do the sleep in thing together at all. We went to bed nice and early Saturday night, 10:30ish, which in my BR (Before Ryan) life was when I would often head out to paint the town. For some reason my thoughts on staying up late have COMPLETELY changed. A good nights rest with your family all together safe and sound is priceless. This Sunday, I was first awake in our house and it felt so good to have slept a solid 8 hours-unheard of for me these days! I lay there and watched the sweetest man in the world sleep and counted down til the sweetest girl made a sound so I could run grab her. Once she awoke the three of us snuggled in bed while watching The Wonder Pets. Chris made a yummy breakfast and we hung out in our p.j.'s. Then, right before Ryan went down for her morning nap I got to sneak out to the gym to catch a class. After everyone was awake and showered we headed to the mall to shop for Bahama clothes and I got to buy new sunglasses with the Nordstroms gift card Ry and Chris gave me for Mothers Day. Then we spent the rest of the day in the pool at my parents! My dad grilled steaks and we ate dinner outside on the patio. It was a heavenly day. Now that is a FUN Sunday!

She is ready for some swimming!

The Ivie family

Munch and I kinda have matching swimsuits :)

The water felt great!