I lost my Granny, and Ryan lost her GG one year ago today. I think of her often and smile. She was my biggest fan and I lost her too soon. I am so grateful that she got to meet Ryan and fall in love with her two weeks before she passed.
Below are a few emails that she wrote to me and to Ryan while I was pregnant and after she met Ryan. She loved us a lot.
"To Baby Ivie"
To jessi_alexis@hotmail.com
Sent:Thu 4/30/09 4:17 AM
Good morning sweet baby, hope you had a really good rest MOST of the night, now I know you must play a little kick ball during the night just to keep Mom and Dad on their toes, we'll give them one more month of having it easy then we'll play lots and lots of football for most of the night you know how much gg loves football don't you?And some good kicks in moms bladder is really good to keep her running back and forth to tinkle thats always fun. Won't be long now sweet one before we'll get to see you and hold you and give you BABY kisses I love you very very much.
"Re: To Baby Ivie"
To jessi_alexis@hotmail.com
Sent:Tue 7/07/09 4:01 AM
Hey baby Ivie,
Mom says you are doing good and I really believe it may be time for you to settle down and let her get a little rest, or you may force her to make you have a new home before you really want to, out in this bright noisy world and no matter how much we all love you believe me you are so comfy and protected right where you are for another few weeks , so no more playing football, give the gymnastics up and rest easy and relax so you will be ready to make your grand appearance by 8/4/09 DEAL? GG loves you and your Mom very,very much and I can't wait to hold you and meet you.
"Thank you so much"
To jessi_alexis@hotmail.com
Sent:Wed 8/12/09 11:32 PM
You know how much I loved seeing and holding and admiring little Ryan, that time was so very special to this gg. Thank you, thank you , thank you. Words can't explain how much my heart is filled with the joy of getting to be with her. Wasn't too shabby being with you also and I want you to know how much I loved getting to know Chris, I think he is a real winner!!!!!!!What a great Dad for that little girl. I'd say he is a keeper. He may even be good enough for my Jessi.
Love you all
"Thank you for letting us all enjoy our little Ryan"
To jessi_alexis@hotmail.com
Sent:Thu 8/20/09 2:00 AM
Oh Jess she is so precious, and you and Chris show that she is so special. I've seen Coop twice since they got here and he is as handsome as Ryan is beautiful, He is little boy through and thru just as she is little girl from top to bottom, it's just so amazing to see them both. Little Miss Ryan Layne stole her gg's heart immediately just as coop did, but different you let me be part of her real soon and I didn't really feel that attatchment to Cooper until this week I love them both so much. Good to see Chris enjoying her so much. He is such a neat Dad and of course theres her great Mom,lucky girl. Aunt Olivia looked proud as she could be also.
Love U

Ryan's GG loved her

Four Generations

I will miss her everyday.