Emma is already 8 months! What the heck?!?!?!?!?
Weight: 17 lbs 10 oz
Height: 30 inches!
Eating: three to four bottles- usually 20-24 ounces total. She almost always eats 6-7 oz first thing in the morning and at bedtime but during the day she sometimes only wants a couple of ounces. I think it is because she eats so much solid food! She is a piggy! She loves animal crackers, avocados, broccoli and blueberries. She is still loving the organic purees. This month she has been eating a few new puree combos cauliflower/salmon, chicken/butternut squash, avocado/mango. Yum yum!
Sleeping: Same awesome sleep habits! I cannot even remember the last time I had to get up in the night because of Emma. I think it may have been over a month ago. She is the best!
Size: 12 month clothing, Size 3 diapers, Size 3 shoes
Newest Accomplishments: pulling to stand (she started doing this right after I did her 7 month stats), cruising on the furniture, she says "mama" (and not just making the sound, but at me!)- she will crawl after me when I get home from work saying it until I pick her up!, clapping her hands, 2 teeth, going to town on her horsie, crawling up stairs.

Big sister wanted her picture on the rug too!

Emma's Great Gramma sent her this hat.
So, we did a quick photo shoot!