I can't get a good monthly picture of this girl!

She is a giggly little wiggle worm

And cute as a bug's ear!
Her crooked sweet smile with her little tongue peeking out!
Weight: 18 lbs 8 oz
Height: 30.75 inches
Eating: Four bottles- usually 18-24 ounces total. She almost always eats 7-8 oz first thing in the morning and at bedtime, but during the day she sometimes only wants a couple of ounces. Since she caught HFMD she had a change in her taste buds. Her mouth was very sensitive with the open sores and the fruits and vegetables were too acidic for her to eat. She refused to eat solids for a couple days and since then she has not been interested in baby food at all. She wants REAL food! She is eating everything under the sun! Whatever we feed Ryan we feed to Emma. Just in tiny bite sized pieces (she still only has 2 teeth). We still have to keep an eye on her and make sure she does not cram too much into her mouth at once, but other than that meal times are so easy now.
Sleeping: Nothing has changed. We somehow got blessed with another wonderful sleeper. It really makes life so wonderful when your kids sleep well!
Size: 12 month clothing, Size 3 diapers, Size 3 shoes
Newest Accomplishments: holding her own when Ryan tries to take a toy away, fake cough, falling head first into the bathtub, crawling up and down stairs, standing and letting go with her hands, open mouth kisses, drinking from a sippy cup (with me holding it, of course)
Likes: cheerios, goldfish, dum dum suckers, library story time, singing, clapping, carrying toys around in her mouth, playing the paci game with daddy (I gotta get a video), hanging out on my hip while I cook or clean, when I beep her nose, playing in Ryan's room, looking at books, her zebra, watching movies with Ryan while sitting in her high chair snacking, all animals

Sweet Pea in her fireman shirt

Is that Chris or Emma?

Sweet dimple

Gran gave Emma and Ryan these cute shirts

Mommy and Emma headed to church

We got our money's worth out of these Halloween tights!
She was a hit at her Sunday School class.

While Ry is at school Emma and I have fun with the camera.