We almost made it four years as parents without a trip to Care Now. I have never had to go to one for myself, but we had to this weekend for poor Ry Pie. We are on week 5 of our home remodel. Hopefully two weeks to go. There has been a LOT of dust and all four of us have suffered some congestion and coughing as a result. We had managed to not go to the doctor and the messy part of the project is over. I thought the coughing and congestion days were over! I was wrong. We had a very busy Saturday filled with soccer game, soccer party, and 2 birthday parties. During the second birthday party Ryan started complaining about her right ear hurting. The weather suddenly turned bad and it started pouring rain, so we headed home. At this point her ear really started hurting and she asked to go to the doctor. Of course it was a Saturday of a 3 day holiday weekend. My gut told me I needed to take her in. I called Care Now and took her in. Turns out her sinus infection had ended up in both her ears. I can't remember the last time she had an ear infection, I guess we can chalk it up to the remodel. The doctor was also concerned about her lungs. She wanted to do a chest x-ray to make sure Ryan didn't have pneumonia. Thankfully, she did not. We got a prescription for antibiotics and steroids. Although it wasn't an ideal Saturday night (nor was it a cheap one), Ryan made me smile the whole time. She was absolutely adorable the entire 45 minutes we were in the clinic. Everyone was in love with her. I was very proud of my big, brave girl. She had excellent manners and was extremely cooperative with everything. The x-ray tech said she has never had a kid that young behave so well during x-rays.
Waiting for the doctor. Smiley, and not looking sick at all! |
Ryan loved her "Cinderella" dress that she got to wear for the x-rays. |
When she lay on the x-ray table she said "Oh, this is so comfortable".
Anyone who has laid on an x-ray table knows that is completely untrue!
She also pretended she was Sleeping Beauty. |
Ryan and Bunny's first x-ray.
Pink shoes and all! |
My big girl. |
She found a Mulan Barbie at CVS while we waited for her medicine. She loves the Mulan soundtrack and told me that the Barbie would make her feel better. How could I say no????? |