We got invited to go camping with the Ennis family over Spring Break. We were so excited to take the girls on their first camping adventure. They had a campsite reserved at Enchanted Rock. The last time Chris and I were at Enchanted Rock I was pregnant with Ryan! Chris loves to camp and backpack and had been wanting to take the girls to see how they would do. We agreed that Emma was finally old enough to be able to hold her own. We knew we would be doing a lot of hiking and didn't want to have to carry kids!
We headed out Monday morning and drove all the way there with only one quick stop (I was the only one who got out of the car and peed!). The weather was beautiful and the Ennis family had arrived about an hour before us. Chris got us all set up, he is definitely the expert, I entertained the kids. We had a wonderful 3 days camping. We did a lot of hiking, one day we were gone for 2 hours and the kids didn't complain at all! Emma always wanted to be at the head of the pack. Even if she lost a shoe, or fell down she would pop right up and run to the front. She did not want to be left behind, or babied! Ryan was also a trooper on the hikes. She had a few falls and scrapes, but she always got up and kept going (sometimes after a few tears and some sympathy from the other girls). We ate awesome meals, because Master Camper Chris brought an awesome grill for us to use. The girls LOVED sleeping in the tent and literally passed out the second their little heads hit their pillows. We put them to bed around 8:30 each night and Ryan would ask for us to zip them up in the tent, and before we could get our whiskey and sit in our chair to relax by the camp fire she would be snoozing. They didn't even budge when we crawled into the tent at midnight to go to sleep. They were always both the last to rise too! It was wonderful, because I had been skeptical about how much sleep we would get sleeping all 4 in the tent. Ryan did get a little homesick, like she always does, no matter where we are. She woke up the first morning in the tent and announced she was done camping and ready to go home and play in her room with her toys. This happened a few times, but thankfully we are able to redirect her. It was really fun having the Ennis family there with us. The girls have so much fun together! We had lots of good conversations and laughs around the campfire while the kids slept. It was a great time and we are already planning our next camping adventure!
The girls relaxing while Chris sets up our tent. |
The girls 'helping' Chris set up the tent. |
Headed out for our first hike. |
Ryan after her first fall. |
Ryan being tough! |
Emma rushing to get up the rock first! |
Pea was on a mission |
Love this pic of my big girl! |
Emma hydrating. |
Chris made sure the girls drank plenty of water.
Look at those girls go! |
Love my littlest hiker! |
Ryan taking a break in the tent. The computers were a good distraction when she missed home. |
Emma loved the hammock that Bobby brought! |
Bunny was camping too! |
BEST Daddy! Watching him enjoy new experiences with our girls make me love him more and more! |
Eily found an awesome walking stick! |
Sisters |
My girls had no fear on some of the steep climbs! |
Look who is in front! |
Daddy and his littlest hiker! |
Mr. Bob |
Somehow Bunny made it to the top with us! |
Sweet moment between Daddy and Munch. |
We love the Ennis'! |
This chick is an awesome friend. I am so thankful that I have her to 'do life' with. |
Emma wore this green shirt all 3 days. She refused to wear anything else! It was covered in dirt, marshmallows, chocolate. |
Ryan took a 2 hour nap in the tent after our longest hike. |
Sweet girls. |
My favorite pic of the 4 of us from this adventure. |