I got to sneak away to Florida with one of my best friends for a fun weekend! Cindy and I had a blast relaxing at the pool, beach, eating out and catching up! Chris held down the fort with all 3 kids (including 2 soccer games and a birthday party!) I was happy to see them all when they picked me up form the airport.
The Ivie Family Blog

Sunday, September 27, 2015
Friday, September 25, 2015
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Another one bites the dust!
We didn't even know she had a loose one! I guess the trauma from the pulling of the first kept her from telling us. I got a text from my friend Jill, who works at school, telling me that Ryan was in the nurses office crying because her tooth was loose and bleeding! I assumed she had gotten knocked in the face. Nope! It turns out she bit into her lunch and her tooth just about fell out. I asked Jill if I needed to leave work and come up to the school and she told me she thought Ryan was calming down and that the nurse was about to pull it out. (I was glad I didn't have to do it!). A few minutes later I got these pictures of my big, brave girl. She was very proud of herself after school recounting the story. She also admitted that her tooth had been loose for awhile but she didn't want her dad to pull it!
Sunday, September 20, 2015
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Lunch with my First Grader who is growing up so fast!
I started a new job, that allows me much more flexibility. It is 5 miles from home and I am able to come and go as I please as long as I get my patients done. So far, I am LOVING it! On my work days I can now take the girls to school, and often times pick them up too! I am able to nurse Polly before leaving for work, instead of pump. I am not rushing to catch a train in the dark anymore (except on the 1-2 days a month I still go to Parkland). I can also run up to the kids schools during the middle of the day for whatever reason. It is great! I took advantage of this flexibility and decided to run up to Ryan's school to surprise her at lunch. She eats lunch at 10:30!!!!! When I got there she was sitting with friends talking up a storm and eating. She was happy to see me. We had a good time and then when there was about 10 minutes left she started to worry about me leaving. She was saying that she would miss me and wishing I could stay the rest of the day. She reminded me of how she was those first few months at kindergarten. When lunch ended she tried to be big, but her chin quivered and she looked like she was going to cry. It made me sad, and her as well. I left feeling unsure of whether or not I should have surprised her. The next day as I walked her into school she said "mom, will you not surprise me anymore at lunch?" I said "ok, babe, how come?" She said " because I don't want to cry and be sad at school." Sweet girl. So brave to tell me. Although it made me sad, I was also so proud of her honesty and bravery. How mature for a 6 year old to recognize how she felt and be able to verbalize it. Although she liked seeing me, she didn't like the goodbye and it affected the rest of her day and made her sad. I will respect that and not surprise her anymore. Sad for me, but proud of her.
Monday, September 14, 2015
Grandparents Day
Ryan got to have 2 of her 3 sets of grandparents come to Hill and have lunch with her! We love them all and are so grateful for the investment they make in all of our lives!
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Polly is 5 months
Already! Next month she will be 1/2 a year old. I cannot believe it! We all love her so much. She makes us all smile every day! I cannot imagine life without our PJ!
Eating: Polly is nursed five times a day and takes 5 oz pumped bottles when I am away. She usually eats at 7a.m., 11a.m., 2 p.m., 5p.m. and 8p.m. She started rice and oat cereals a week ago and loves it! We usually give her cereal around 6pm when we eat dinner.
Sleeping: BabyWise continues to pay off. She goes to bed at 8:30 and sleeps until 6:30-7a.m. She usually naps 9:30a.m.- 11, and then 12:30-2. She will still take a short hour long evening nap usually around 4:00. Sometimes we are on the go and she has to miss a nap or take a short one. She is very adaptable and not a fussy baby. We try real hard to get her naps in though!
Size: Polly is currently in 3-6 month clothes. She can still wear a few 3 month onesies, but anything with pants she needs a bigger size for the length. She is very long! She is in size 2 diapers but will soon move up to size 3.
New Accomplishments: she growls! It is a guttural, scary noise and is so funny coming from her tiny self. She can hold her own bottle and is very good at eating cereal. She gets most of it down. She doesn't seem to spit it out like I remember R & E doing the first few times they had cereal. Her supported sitting is getting better and her rolling too! She can stay up on her forearms for a long time in prone. She is very strong.
All in all: She is the BEST!
Big bottles |
She can even hold it herself briefly. |
My big blue eyed beauty! |
Trying to sit up in her rocker. |
Best kisses. |
Sweet hair |
Saturday, September 5, 2015
Rice Cereal
PJ started showing interest in our food so we decided to try some rice cereal with her. She LOVED it. She was reaching for the spoon and pulling it to her (making a mess and sometimes gagging herself!). We are now letting her have it in the evenings when we have dinner. It isn't replacing a feeding, but she is definitely having fun practicing with it. She is about to be five months and we will start some veggies and fruits over the next month or so.
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