Dear Emma,
Oh my dear Sweet Pea, you are so fun. There is no one like you, and I feel like the luckiest mom alive that I get to be your mom and have a front row seat to your life. I still think of you as four for some reason. Six sounds so old. Maybe because you are so much fun the years fly by even faster. There are so many things that I love about you and the list gets longer every year. I love your confidence, your wild sense of style, your tender heart, your competitive nature, your love for your sisters, your independence, your snuggles, your hilarious sense of humor, your helpfulness, your thoughtfulness, your love for learning, your soccer skills.....the list goes on. You are the glue that holds us all together. You were placed in this family right where you were needed- in the middle. Ryan needs you as her friend and biggest fan, and Polly needs you as her playmate and caretaker. Daddy and I need you for your comic relief and unwavering love. You make us all laugh and keep us all entertained. You have completely excelled at kindergarten and pretty much act like you run the school. Everybody knows Emma, and you know everybody. You like to walk into school by yourself and hardly ever look back. You still want to be an engineer, but you have decided that you also want a second job as a teacher. You love to play school and babies and you love to read! We are so proud of you, Emma. Thanks for being you. The past six years have been nothing but fun!
Dear Emma,1/28/17
Happy 6th Birthday!!!!! I cannot believe you’re 6 years old already. It literally seems like yesterday when you were born and hanging out with mom in the hospital while she was so sick! You gave me the biggest scare ever in the hospital and since that day, I made a vow to never underestimate anything you do or say. I knew I found love when I met your mom. And I knew I always wanted to be a dad, but I never expected this feeling of love when you and your sisters came along. You are so unique and special and you surprise me every day. I love your boisterous attitude, your quirky ways, and your gleaming personality. You are so special to your mother and I and we are thankful for every day we get to spend with you. Please do not change and know that I love you with all my heart!!! Happy Birthday and I can’t wait for many more!