This year Christmas fell on Chris shift, so we had to change up some of our regular traditions. We still attended Christmas Eve service and Mom hosted Christmas Eve dinner for all of us and the Coxes. After opening gifts with Uncle, Aunt Mis and Tauri we moved to our house to finish opening gifts with Mamaw and Pa and for the girls to open all of their gifts under the tree from us. We did each gift one by one, like we normally do, so it took a long time. THen, we had to sprinkle reindeer food and set out cookies for Santa. We didn't end up getting the girls in bed until after 11:00. Ryan was a little panicked that they wouldn't be asleep in time and Santa might skip our house. Thankfully, he didn't.
Outside of GCC after the candlelight service. |
Mom gifted Chris this awesome jacket! |
Opening gifts in their new Christmas pajamas from Mamaw and Pa. |