Weight: 14.2 lbs (70th%)
Length: 25.25 inches (75th%)
Head Circumference: 42.5 (90th%)
(Chris asked about her percentile in the nose category :), but we didn't get a straight answer)
Teen Wolf Ears: gone!
Hair: starting to come in dark
Eyes: remain blue
Eating: Ryan eats every 3 hours beginning at 6-6:30 a.m. until 8:30-9 p.m. She is still breastfed but takes 1-2 6oz formula bottles a day. She is just starting to do solids three times a day.
Sleeping: ALL NIGHT!!!!! Ryan goes down by 9 p.m. and usually sleeps until 9 a.m.
Naps: 3-4 naps a day, usually the hour right before a feeding. Naps last from 30 min. to 1.5 hrs.
Size: she can fit into a few 3 month old clothes, but mostly is wearing 3-6 months. Size 2 diapers
Likes: outside, baths, diaper changes, kids, family, pacifier, bananas, reading books, her catepillar, her crib, naps, her lovey bunny
Newest Accomplishment: found her feet