Length: also unsure of exact length, but she is starting to pull up to stand and she is TALL! A lot of her 9 month old pants are high waters :)
Eating: Her schedule is the same. She has begun to get an attitude if you are eating and don't share. She is eating all of the food that we do just small bites.
Sleeping: Bedtime and naps are the same but the past week she has been waking up in the night! One time at midnight I heard her playing and I got up to check on her and give her the paci back. I found her on all fours laughing and just to spite me she popped her own paci back in and laughed some more! Little toot! I had to laugh myself. And then I went and turned the monitor off so she could have her midnight laughfest while I tried to get some sleep! :)
Size: 6-9 months clothing (we are getting into spring and summer wardrobe!), size 3 diapers
Newest Accomplishments: crawling (mostly backwards), moving from belly to sitting to belly again, log rolling across the floor, swim lessons!
Munch is EIGHT months old!