(Beck in a highchair at dinner for first time!!)
Sound asleep
This picture reminded me of earlier in the day - I wish I had a picture, but I will describe it best I can. After swim lessons we were rushing to get showered and ready to go to the festival. Ryan usually naps from 2:15-3:30. Well, we sat her in her crib around2:15 to play. We turned her boom box on and gave her a few toys to play with while we dressed. When I left her she was playing with a stuffed animal. Five minutes later I went back to grab her to go and sweet little girl and found her snuggle bunny and laid down to nap. All the lights were on and Funky Cole Medina was playing loudly on the radio. She was sound asleep snuggling bunny Too cute! She knows her schedule. We had to wake her up and go. She caught a 20 min cat nap in the car and still held up all afternoon and evening at the festival! I love that she is such a trooper!
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