I just wanted to take this opportunity to tell you how proud I am to be your daddy! One year ago tomorrow I met you and I was so mesmerized that I couldn't even properly introduce myself to you because I was speechless. Ever since then, we have become so much more close and I get to see my little creation grow right in front of me. It’s so wild what a child can do to a person! And just so you know, you have an amazing mother as well. If you didn’t know, she is a bit of a planner! And from day one, everything she does or plans is for you, or revolves around you. You make her and me so happy that I am having trouble even putting it into words right now! Just know that I love you very much and cannot wait for us to continue to get to know each other and become best friends. Happy Birthday Munch!
What an honor this past year has been. That is the only way I can describe how I feel to be your mother- honored. I have never felt more love, pride, or happiness than I do when I look at, or even think about you. You are the BEST thing that has ever happened to me. Watching you grow and learn is fascinating. You are such a smart little girl and you amaze us every day with what you can do. I admire your strong will, and although I will probably curse it during the terrible twos, I hope you never lose it. My wish for you on this monumental first birthday is for you to grow big and strong and smart, but never change. Stay as sweet, as happy, as determined, as funny, as crazy about your dad and me as you have been, as curious, as innocent forever! I love you and am so grateful everyday that I am your mom. One more wish for you (and me)- slow it down a bit. This year went by too fast. Love you mucho Munch! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
The Ivie Family Blog

Monday, July 26, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
The Munch- From the Beginning to ONE YEAR OLD!
This may be the longest blog post ever- I had to do it! My baby will be one tonight at 12:46 a.m.! I wanted to do a post from the day we found out we were pregnant until the present. What a wonderful ride it has been! This is for you Ry!
Saturday, November 29 2009
We are having a baby!!!!!!
(2 months pregnant)
We are having a baby!!!!!!
(2 months pregnant)
(3 months pregnant)
(4 months pregnant)
March 2009
(5 months pregnant)
May 2009
(7 months pregnant)
June 2009
(8 months pregnant)
(5 months pregnant)
(6 months pregnant)
(7 months pregnant)
(8 months pregnant)
13 weeks
22 weeks

I love your little feet print
26 weeks

Sweet little face

Driving home from Fredericksburg-oh the first trimester fatigue!
Your sweet dad took this picture of me- cruel!
Christmas 2009
January 2009 in Tahoe
(3 months pregnant)
I skied with you in my tummy!
13 weeks

26 weeks

On Enchanted Rock in December 2009
(2 months pregnant in 60+mph wind!)

Your sweet dad took this picture of me- cruel!
(3 months pregnant)
My 29th and last birthday before motherhood
(4 months pregnant)

March 2009
St Patricks Day 2009

(4 months pregnant)
Getting your room ready
(5 months pregnant)
Mamaw and Grandpa house hunting in Arlington
(6 months pregnant)
April 2009
Visiting my Austin girlfriends

(6 months pregnant)
Visiting my Austin girlfriends
Daddy got your crib up!
May 2009
At Cindy's house in Austin
Visiting the Breckels in Houston
(7 months pregnant)
At Cindy's house in Austin
Wedding with Gabby and Cindy
June 2009
Austin Baby Shower

May 2009
DFW Baby Shower

Austin Baby Shower
Getting some sun on our boat
(8 months pregnant)

June 2009
June 2009
July 3, 2009
July 4, 2009
Last holiday we celebrated as a twosome
Induction at noon July 27, 2009
Long day of labor ahead
(8 months pregnant)

Last holiday we celebrated as a twosome
Long day of labor ahead
July 28, 2009
"It's a Girl"First family photo right after C-section
Happy Birthday Angel! We love you!
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