Wow-SO much has changed about our girl since last time I updated. I decided to wait until 15 months for an update on her stats. Blame it on laziness, the pregnancy, or the fact that we are on the move chasing Ryan everywhere!
Weight: 22.6 lbs = 45th percentile. Her thighs are thinning out with all the walking, marching and running she does! Many people comment on how "small" she is.
Height: 31.5 inches = 90th percentile. I will be surprised if she is ever below this! She may be thin, but she is not short!
Eating: Strawberries were the best thing ever until 2 weeks ago. Now she is into grapes. String cheese still remains her staple!
Sleeping: No changes here (thankfully). Sleeps 13 straight hours at night and still takes two good naps a day. We will hold onto these two naps as long as she will let us. She doesn't fight it at all, and sometimes gets her bunny and reaches for the crib to take a rest. A lot of the time I will give her a book and she will read to bunny and play for awhile and then lay down and rest when she is ready.
We are also hooked on our nighttime routine (Chris and I that is, and Ryan likes it too!) Usually between 7 and 7:15 we get Ry ready for bed and head to our big king size bed. Ryan takes a bottle of milk (which is still held by one of us) and rolls around and plays and snuggles with us until 7:30-7:45. It is the favorite time of day for all of us. Then we give her good night kisses and Chris takes her into her room with bunny and places her in her crib. She is out in 30 seconds. It is wonderful!
Size: 12-18 month and 18 month clothing, size 4 diapers
Newest Accomplishments in past 3 months: walking, running, (no more crawling). Ryan can say: mama, dada, baba (bottle), cat, eye, knee, pees (please), hi, bye, gaepa (grandpa), uh-oh, one, five, mamaw, moe (more), ow, yay!. Ryan can point out/show you her: eye, ear, nose, mouth, tongue, bellybutton, knee, toes. Ryan can climb up to the top of the big kid playground and go down the big slide. Ryan can go crazy at Chick-fil-a in the playscape with all the kids! Ryan grunts at us and shakes her finger at me when I tell her "no" (I can only imagine what words she would say). Ryan helps get dressed by putting her arm through the holes and trying to put her socks and shoes on. She can comb her own hair, wash her own body,and attempt to help brush her teeth. Ry gives the best kisses, when she wants to. (I think Grandpa probably gets the most sugar and Chris is a close second!)
Likes: Ryan loves Tuesday library time with Mamaw and all the other kids, running around after the older kids at the playground, helping Mamaw garden and picking flowers, anything outside, she still likes for mommy and daddy to hold her sippy cup and bottle :-) , playing chase and hide and go seek, rough housing with her daddy, time alone to look through all her books