The Ivie Family Blog

Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Valentines Day 2011
The weather was beautiful during the day and we got to spend some time at the park. I made a comment that Ryan will probably trip and fall one day and bust her face open. She loves to run crazy and on her toes. Well, I jinxed the poor kiddo. She didn't fall at the park, but she tripped over Chris' foot when we walked in the door. Poor girl busted her lip open. It was so sad. I freaked because there was blood and I thought she might need stitches. Chris remained calm (as usual). Ryan really didn't cry for long, and bless her heart, was more upset that we were upset. She was hugging Chris' neck and giving him kisses to comfort him just minutes after the fall. She is a tough kid. A lot tougher than her mom! She took a mean tumble tonight at my parents house and smacked her head on their coffee table. She barely cried as we watched the goose egg grow. Tough girl!
Emma's First Bath
Whew! Another Week In The Books (We Survived!)
PS: Two kids is NO JOKE!
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
First Week Home
Emma is a super easy baby! She sleeps and sleeps and sleeps! I wake her every three hours to eat and then she usually goes right back to sleep. She usually has an hour in the morning and evening when she is awake and alert. She almost never cries, unless she is ready to eat and I am trying to change her diaper before I feed her. She is sleeping in her co-sleeper next to our bed at night and taking naps in her room and in the pack-n-play in the living room.
We had lots of visitors this past week and lots of yummy food brought to us. Kristi set up a care calendar and it has been wonderful to not have to cook dinner most nights! We took the girls to the pediatrician today for Emma's newborn visit and Ryan's 18 month visit. We were told that we have two perfect little girls! Exactly what we wanted to hear! Dr. Nussbaum agreed with the neonatologist from Parkland. She feels that Emma just went through a transient period after birth and that we should not worry any longer about her not breathing. She listened to her lungs and said they sounded clear and she did not hear any heart murmur either. We were also so happy to hear that Emma now weighs 8.5 lbs!!!! She weighed 7.9 lbs at birth, dropped down to 7.1 lbs while in the hospital and left the hospital one week ago at 7.3 lbs. I knew she was a good eater but it is good to have the proof! She gained over a pound in one week. She is in the 95th percentile for her height at birth (another tall girl!) and 75th percentile for her weight.
Ryan's 18 month stats: weight: 23.1 lbs (50th percentile) length: 33 inches (90th percentile)
Here are a few pictures from our first week at home with our girls!