Length: LONG! I don't need the doctor to confirm this one!
Hair: What hair!? There is still a dark patch in back, but that is it! Her eyebrows are starting to look strawberry blonde in the sunlight. Interesting......
Eyes: Blue, and they light up when she smiles!
Skin tone: Translucent! Pale punkin!
Eating: She eats every 3.5 hours and is eating about 4 oz each feeding. I dropped her 10 p.m. feeding last week so she only has 5 feedings a day. She can now make it 11 whole hours overnight in between feedings! I am so proud of that! It has made going back to work so easy because I am getting such great sleep. She has no problem taking a bottle on the days I am at work and both our freezers are jam packed full of milk. We are adding cereal to her diet this week.
Sleeping: We put Emma to bed at 8. We lay her down with her paci and her beloved lovey lamb across her face and she puts herself to sleep. She hasn't been swaddled since two months and she usually kicks all of her covers off. No matter what I do her little hands are always frozen in the morning. Emma sleeps in until 9 or 10 a.m. and usually naps from 11-1, 3-4:30 and sometimes 6-7. She lets me know when she is ready for a rest and I lay her down in her crib. The pack in play in our living room is only used for diaper changes these days.
Size: 3-6 month clothes, size 1 diapers
Likes: watching Ryan, ME! (we are crazy about each other- she is a total momma's girl), lamb lovey, snoozin' in her car seat, her rocker chair, sucking on her hands, loves kisses on her chubby cheeks (I love to give them)
Newest Accomplishment: trying out her voice, she is so close to laughing, can roll from her belly to her back when she is propped up on her elbows, can sit in the Bumbo, can face outward in the Baby Bjourn
Strong, long legs standing up!

This girl is awesome at tummy time