Happy Mothers Day to ME!
I decided to treat myself this Mothers Day! I ordered a necklace for myself. I had been wanting to get one ever since I had Ryan, but then I wound up pregnant again, so I decided to wait until I had number two to order. My high school friend makes jewelry and I LOVE her work. This is what I will be receiving in the mail in the next few days! I am SO excited. I think it turned out beautiful! It represents my most prized possessions!
The Ivie Family Blog

Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Pears and Peas
Memorial Day Weekend
We got to spend time with one of our favorite families- the Wimberlys! They invited us over to cook out and play! Ryan and Ashlyn are at the age now where they can really have fun together. (Or, next to each other!) The girls had a blast playing in Ashlyn's room. Ryan destroyed it in a matter of ten minutes. We ate a delicious meal and drank yummy drinks, while the girls splashed in the pool. It was a very fun day!
Ryan loved Ash's kitchen
Emma invaded Ashlyn's crib
Doing dishes
Ryan must cook well- Ashlyn was licking the plate!
Enjoying a rita, rocking Emma, and watching the big girls play
Emma ready for a dip
Modeling Ashlyn's tiny bikini!
Her daddy likes her more covered :-)
(and a very good share girl with her toys!)

This big girl was modeling the tiny bikini almost a year ago at Ryan's first bday party.
Hard to believe it has already been almost a year.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Miss Emma's FOUR Month Stats
Length: 25.75 inches (+95%) (Ryan was 25.25 inches)
Head Circumference: 40.5 (50%) (Ryan's was 42.5 )
Hair: Still none to report, but she has a very shiny bald spot in back above her sparse mullet.
Hair: Still none to report, but she has a very shiny bald spot in back above her sparse mullet.
Eyes: so far staying blue
Skin tone: Pale! SPF 70 and a hat to protect this perfect pale skin!
Eating: She eats every 3.5-4 hours and is now eating 5 oz each feedings. She still has 5 feedings a day, but I am about to drop one more when we add real baby food next week. She can now make it 12 whole hours overnight in between feedings and she never wakes up to eat before 7, and sometiems we wake her at 8! She eats rice cereal by spoon every morning for breakfast.
Sleeping: Bedtime for Emma has moved earlier. She lets me know she is tired and ready to nurse around 7:15 and is usually in her crib asleep by 7:30. She goes right to sleep when we lay her down. So low maintenance! She sleeps in until 9:30 a.m. and usually naps from 11:30-2, 3-5:00. She has quit taking an evening nap and that is why her bedtime is a little earlier. All sleeping is done in her crib at our house and in her pack n play at Mamaw's house.
Size: 6 month clothes, size 1-2 diapers (she is ready for size 2, but I have one more box of size 1 and it says "up to 15 pounds", so I am using them! I have yet to buy a single diaper for Miss Emma thanks to the diaper shower that Kristi threw for me!)
Likes: playing hide and seek, gurgling and talking, Baby Einstein play station, cereal, rattles and toys with mirrors, open mouth kisses, playing with her daddy, baths in the big bath tub with her sister, watching Ryan do anything, naps, watching Mickey Mouse with Ryan, popsicles, her horse, laying on a quilt outside, watching the leaves blow in the wind
Newest Accomplishment: giggling, gurgling, rolling all over the place, enjoying tummy time, her feet almost touch in the horse and the Baby Einstein play station, taking her paci out and putting it back in (taking out happens more often),
Pa turns 60!
He did not want us to make a big deal about it, so we spent the day
at the pool and then we met his best friend and his family at Central Market
for burgers and beer (and the playscape).
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