The Ivie Family Blog

The Ivie Family Blog

Monday, November 26, 2012

Decorating the tree

The weekend after Thanksgiving we stuck to our tradition and got our Christmas decorations up, along with the tree and the house lights.  This year we got a lot of "help" from the girls!
Little Elf, Big Elf
Rudolph and The Munch!
I read The Elf on the Shelf book to Emma so she would understand who Rudy is.
Ryan was very excited that it was her year to put the star on!

Playing in the tree box was a hit!

Emma really liked the ornaments.

The finishing touch- the star!

Admiring her hard work!

Rudy the elf showed up with a note from Santa!
Ry loves finding Rudy every morning!
It didn't take long for Mamaw and Pa to fill the tree with gifts for the girls!

Santa has some tough competition!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Giggle Boxes

That is what these 4 cuties were!  Having a blast and giggling up a storm.  The Tharps came over to hang out and the kids had a blast.  The amount of destruction is great, but the giggles are worth all the clean up.  Not to mention that the four parents were able to visit and drink beer during the destruction!  I didn't get the camera out until the end of the night when the demo crew had made their way into our room.  They were having a blast jumping on and off our bed.  Too cute! Love these four kids!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Future Braums Employee

A text I got form Mom while I was at work: "Ryan put on my hat from Tae and said, "What can I get for you today?" She brought me pretend food and said, "You are welcome, bye," then she turned to Emma, and said, "Hello, what can I get for you? Do you need a macaroni and cheese? You have absolutely come to the right place!" 

 These pictures accompanied that awesome text.  Mom also sent this text and pics to Chris and his response was "Is she destined to work at Braums?"

Emma made off with the hat!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving with the Coxes!

We spent Thanksgiving Day at the Cox house.  We had great food and drinks and the kids had a blast, as usual!  Always fun times when we get together!
Happy Thanksgiving from Chris and his moustache
.(it is out of control!)
He is still handsome!
Dustin and Claudya
Unc and Tauri
Ryan demolished a platter of olives and pickled okra.
Sweet Pea making a funny face!
Tauri and the girls sitting on the bridge.

Aunt Rocks snacking on Emma's toes!
Ryan playing Paco's drum.
Ryan loves her Tauri!

Daddy and Emma on the bridge.

Best Daddy!
These girls definitely know their daddy loves them!

Dustin and Emma chillin' and snackin'.
Kisses for her favorite guy.
Ryan got to sit between Tauri and Aunt Rocks.
Ry Pie helping make pie.

Ryan decided the coconut pie needed pink sprinkles!
The final product.
Dish washing crew.

Ryan wanted to call Pa.
She was missing him.
Dancing with Aunt Rocks.
"Chicken Fried" by Zac Brown Band is their
favorite song to dance to.
Enjoying her pie.

I enjoyed some quiet time out back while Chris and Uncle hit
 golf balls, the girls watched Brave and Dustin took a nap.
I have so much to be thankful f or.
The trees were gorgeous!
I love my crazy cousin!
I am so thankful for my wonderful family!