The Ivie Family Blog

The Ivie Family Blog

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Night cap

Emma is now in a twin bed.  She has been out of the crib since she was two and in a toddler bed.  She is so long and likes so many toys in bed with her that we have been needing to up-size her bed for awhile. I finally did it, and she loves her new bigger bed.  Unfortunately, Emma has decided that bedtime is playtime and the past week she has been staying up late to play in her room.  She has also been decreasing her naps, and sometimes doesn't take one.  For this reason her bedtime has been closer to 7:00 lately.  Tonight, I was walking back to my room at 7:30 p.m. happy that all was quiet.  I can usually hear Emma playing with toys when she stays up to play.  I had put the kids to bed an hour ago (early because they had played an early t-ball game) and was headed back to my room for a relaxing hot bath and to read when I noticed Emma's light was on. We lock her in her room, so her door was shut, but I could see light under the bottom. I opened up the door to find her butt naked, on her dresser with panties on her head, 100+ wipes all over the floor and she was trying to apply Sensicream to her own bottom (after having already applied it to her face). She looked at me and said "I need 'medsin', Mommy.  I have lipstick, Mommy."  Never a dull moment with Miss Emma.  Two hours later, after removing her lamp and multiple items of furniture that she had climbed to reach her light switch, along with a few spankings, she finally fell asleep (naked again) in front of her door.  I opened a bottle of wine during this fun evening. And, of course it was a C shift......

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