We spent Christmas Eve and Uncle and Aunt Mis' house. We had a lot of fun opening gifts, eating, hot-tubbin' and singing Christmas carols! Ryan read The Night Before Christmas to us all and she also volunteered to say the prayer at dinner and it had a few of us in tears (myself included). This was Ryan's prayer that she came up with all on her own. "Dear Lord, thank you for the graceness and beauty inside us all. Amen." Graceness. Love that sweet girl!
Emma found this mistletoe headband at Target and had to have it! |
My girls :-) |
Playing a fun game! |
Love these three so much! |
Ivie family Christmas Eve 2016 |
We all got to open lots of great gifts!
Mamaw got in the hot tub with the girls so Polly got to get in too! |
Singing Christmas carols by the fire. |
Uncle blowing fire! |
Dear Lord, thank you for the graceness and beauty inside all of us.
At home we got ready for Santa:
Sprinkled reindeer food in our yard. |
Read a few Christmas books. |
Set out Santa's cookies and the reindeer's carrots. |
Polly was asleep by 8:30 and the big girls were asleep by 10.
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