The Ivie Family Blog

The Ivie Family Blog

Friday, April 10, 2020

5 Year Letters to Polly

My Polly girl,

UGH!  This has been a hard birthday for me.  I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE four year olds and you are my last four year old to parent.  I love that you are big and smart, but I also do not want to say goodbye to my sweet little innocent four year old.  I just know how fast it all goes.  Soon, you start kindergarten and things just change.  Your daddy loves that you are one year older, he has never been sad when you guys get older. He celebrates that you are growing and learning and able to do more.  I do too, but I also mourn the end of the age you were. I want to keep you little forever, or at least keep a 4 year old Polly and then have another one who grows older.   I love you so much and I cannot tell you how fortunate I feel that I got to spend all of this time at home with you during your last few weeks as a four year old.  WHAT A GIFT!  It has been wonderful.  You have literally been glued to my side.  You workout with me in the morning, we eat and take a shower together, then we usually catch a nap together in the afternoon. You help me cook, we do puzzles, we read books, we color.  You just love to be with me.  You always reach for my hand to hold or tell me you love me.  You really know how to make a gal feel loved.  You say the cutest and sweetest things and you are always aiming to please me.  You help me with all the chores and always try to make my life easier.  You are such a gift. Getting to slow down and be home and really enjoy you and your sisters has been absolutely priceless.  We have made so many good memories and will have more time at home to make more.  You learned to ride your bike!  Incredible!  I looked back and you are the youngest Ivie girl to master bike riding.  You beat Emma by a few months. I am so proud of how tough and determined you are.  You keep up with the big kids, no problem! Your sisters adore you and you adore them.  I love getting to listen to the three of you giggle together on the trampoline, or ride next to you three on your bikes as you talk and laugh.
I know we may look back on this time and feel we missed out on some things, like your Urban Air birthday party, but what we gained was so much more.  I am eternally grateful for this time.  I really got to soak up my last 4 year old.  I put you to bed on the eve of your birthday (Chris was on shift) and laid in my bed and cried for a bit.  Emma and Ryan comforted me (and laughed at me). I took some deep breaths and thanked the universe for you and reminded myself that you will wake up 5, but you will still be my sweet little girl. Then, I got up and we decorated the house for you.  We love you so much and we hope you know how special you are to us.  My sweet, sweet Polly girl.  Mommy loves you. Welcome to FIVE- you have been anxiously awaiting this day.


Hey there big 5 year old!!!! I cannot believe you’ve gotten so big and you’re already about to start kindergarten! You are the sweetest girl and I love you so much. Thank you for always being my little baby. Happy Birthday. Love you.


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