Thursday was visitors day at Burn Camp. Ryan and I got to go visit Chris and see all of the kids having a blast. I love going out there. Last year I was really pregnant, so everyone was excited to meet Ryan this year. She was so happy to see her dad and he was as well (he never put her down!)

The bracelet that Ryan's daddy made her at camp :)

She got to swim with all of the kids

She showed off for her dad!

She got to hang out in the cabin and take a shower

She crushed her dinner!
Mamaw was a big help!

Chris presented an award to one of his graduating campers

Where Ryan spent most the day
(in Daddy's arms)

The Parkland gang!

Ryan liked to pet the horse on the wall
I survived a week without Chris with a sick kid! It wasn't easy or fun and I am so grateful that we have a fun trip planned together. We are Bahama bound so there will be no blog post Tuesday. I have tried to make up for it by doing couple extra this week. I am sure we will have a ton to post about the following Tuesday! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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