The Ivie Family Blog

The Ivie Family Blog

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


I PROMISE that this blog will not become my pregnancy blog. There is nothing worse than reading about the daily ins and outs of someones pregnancy. Ryan's life is WAY more interesting than the details of pregnancy. I may add a few updates about big pregnancy news, but that is it. Today's blog is am exception. I am gonna do a pity pregnancy post. We did go to see Dr. Rosenbaum last week, and I am indeed pregnant (Chris doesn't ever believe it until the MD says so!) This baby is due February 8. The bad part is that I am SOOOOO nauseous!!!!!!! ALL day! It is terrible. I wake up feeling terrible and I go to bed feeling terrible. I got some medication which seems to help a little bit, but not enough! Working has been the hardest, and when I get home I am wiped out! Chris and my parents have had to really help me with Ryan. I feel bad that I don't have the energy to play with her like I usually do. She has been a sweetie, and is completely back on her awesome sleeping schedule (only took 5 days!) so I am getting good rest at night. I am 8 weeks along, so I am hoping that after 4 more weeks this feeling will end with the first trimester. We aren't going to find out the sex of this baby because it was so fun to be surprised the first time! I thought I was destined to have two girls, but now I am thinking this may be a boy because this pregnancy is so different than my pregnancy with Ryan. I was never sick with Ryan, my pregnancy was a breeze! I ran until I was 6 months pregnant I felt so good. Currently I can barely walk through Target to get groceries without a rest break. Pitiful! That is what I am. Pitiful! That is what this blog entry is- and the reason I wrote it is to explain why I have no cute pictures or 11 month stats for Ryan- because I am pitiful. The good news is I will have my partner at home tomorrow to help me take her 11 month picture and maybe help me do the blog. Can't believe our sweet baby will be ONE in less than a month. Our big girls 11 month stats will be up tomorrow. Promise.

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