Length: 31 inches (>97th percentile!!!!!!!) LONG and lean!
Eating: She is losing interest in the bottle. Most days I still offer her 4 bottles, but she rarely finishes them. She is so busy that stopping to eat a bottle is not worth it to her. Plus, she eats so much real food that I think she stays full. So, on average she is only taking about 16-20 ounces of formula a day. This is great, because I am about to start the switch to whole milk this month and we will get rid of the bottle after that. She loves to drink apple juice boxes and water from a sippy cup. She now has a "drink" with each meal.
Sleeping: Out like a light with her zebra and glow worm. We usually don't hear a peep from her until 8:00 a.m. She sleeps so hard and so well that Chris sometimes worries about her. BEST. SLEEPER. EVER! She had a stuffy nose one night recently and woke up at 10:30 p.m. unable to breathe. I was so excited to get to see her in the night! It was kind of funny. Even though I was about to go to bed myself, I was happy to spend some extra time with my girl. I am not used to her needing me in the night, so I cherished it. We (Chris) suctioned her nose and I got to rock my sweet baby for 5 minutes in the rocker. I loved every second of it.
Size: 12 and 12-18 month clothing, Size 3 diapers, Size 3.5 shoes
Newest Accomplishments: walking with push toys, FOUR teeth: two on bottom and two "fang" teeth on top (you can see all of them in the picture above), standing unsupported (hands free), climbing on everything, first header of the chaise (under my supervision, unfortunately), drinking from a straw.
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