The Ivie Family Blog

The Ivie Family Blog

Monday, January 28, 2019

8 Year Letters to Emma


You continue to be my sunshine.  I have said that about you from day one.  One of my favorite pictures of you lives in a frame with the words "you are my sunshine" on it.  So true.  You are such a sweet and tender-hearted kid, but also such a fierce competitor.  You give your best and work every day to be better than the day before.  You love fitness and conditioning and you are becoming an amazing athlete.  I love watching you play sports.  We spend a ton of time at the soccer field and you are really loving and growing in this sport.  I have a new love for it as well, and am so impressed by your skill and commitment.  You are so fast, and can even beat your dad in a race and you remain the fastest girl in second grade.
You are smiley and happy most of the time, except for the mornings.  You are not a morning person! You can be a real handful in the morning and you definitely are strong willed.  Your love and compassion for both of your sisters is precious.  You root for Ryan and always try to boost her up and you are always my helper for Polly.  I appreciate you so much for this. You have a kind and giving heart for anyone hurting or in need and that is an innate gift you possess.  You make us so proud every day by the young lady you are growing into.  Thank you for being you.  Eight is great and so are you.  Keep shining my Pea Pie! Oh yeah, you still hate bananas!



Happy Birthday Emma Reese,

8 years old......... are you kidding me?????? How can you be 8 years old already? You didn't have hair till you were like 5!!!!! I cannot believe how fast time has flown. You make every day an adventure. I love how caring and free spirited you are. You are a very special girl and I love you so much. Your kind and selfless heart make me so proud that I'm your Dad. I love watching you grow but please don't be in a rush to grow up fast! Have a great Birthday. 

Love DAD

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