The Ivie Family Blog

The Ivie Family Blog

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Four Year Letters to Pollyanna


Lemonade (clap, clap, clap) 
Iced Tea (clap, clap, clap)
Coca Cola (clap, clap, clap)
Pepsi (clap, clap, clap).........................

Girl, I cannot believe you are a big 4 year old!! You are growing up so fast. I hope you get everything you want for your Birthday like , LOL dolls, shopkins, puzzles, slime, books, and every color known to man!! You are such a sweetheart and I could not imagine life without you. I can't wait to go to SUMMER with you well...... this Summer. Thank you for letting me be your Daddy. I love you so much. I love watching you grow and mature. Love you to the Moon and Back.



Pollyanna, Our Sunshine,

4 is my favorite and you are 4!!!!!  I am happy and sad at the same time.  Every birthday we celebrate with you is a last for me.  I have celebrated three 4 year old birthdays and each one is so special.  It is the age where you change from toddler to kid. So, my last toddler is now a little kid. I love you so much, we all do.  You are so sweet and such an easy going kid.  We drag you all over and you have the least restrictive routine due to your sisters busy schedules.  You just roll with it.  We are so laid back with you and so therefor you are laid back too.  You love to snuggle and prefer to sleep with momma ( I let you every B shift!). You love "oreo lunchables" and strawberries and M&M yogurts.  You also love lemonade now and no longer drink "green juice". You have enjoyed taking ballet and tap and your first recital is coming up.  You also have had fun in soccer shots and I plan to put you on a team in the fall. You love school and we do the drive through drop off (something we never did for Ryan or Emma, and they never wanted!).You love to play dolls and with your Barbies and LOL's. You are so big and want to be so big and we want you to slow down.  You are 95th percentile in height (tallest in your class) and 75th percentile in weight, so big! We love you so much and could not be the family we are without you in it.  Love you so much, Pollyanna.



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