The Ivie Family Blog

The Ivie Family Blog

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

"big ol' chewy"!

No, Ryan is not dipping tobacco! BUT, Halloween and Grandpa have created a gum chewing/eating monster! Ryan loves "chewy"! Also known as gum (and she will also accept Starbursts). It started with Pa letting Ryan have a tiny corner off a piece of gum (usually to distract her from a tantrum). She would chew the tiny piece for approximately 20-30 seconds and then swallow it and request another piece. In no time at all she had consumed the whole piece of gum. And, if she is having a "two year old" kind of day she may put down 3-4 pieces of gum at Grandpa's house. I googled gum consumption and it is not true that it sits in your stomach for 7 years, it passes through like everything else. (I think, and hope. I am pretty sure the research is on a single piece of gum though, not a pack). I am pretty sure either way it is not a good idea to consume a pack of gum a week. That is why we have tried to switch to Starbursts. At our house when she asks for a "big ol' chewy" (a small corner of a stick of gum is no longer good enough), we give her a slice of a Starburst instead. Thank you, Halloween candy. She still eats a few pieces of gum a week with Pa, but I think we have given her GI system a little break by offering Starbursts at home. And, since the Halloweeen candy is winding down we may be able to decrease our "chewy" consumption all together. Or, my other idea is to make "chewy" the reward for tinkling in the potty. She is very ready to be potty trained, I need to suck it up and do it. I think with the help of a "big ol' chewy" we can do it.

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