The Ivie Family Blog

The Ivie Family Blog

Saturday, August 8, 2009

I can't believe it but Ryan is almost 12 days old!!! It makes me sad that she is changing but I also love watching her grow! Since I started this blog a lot has happend with our little girl. She has had many more visitors and we have enjoyed getting to see everybody! She had her newborn pictures done, which I may go broke trying to buy them all! They were too cute and I was sobbing when we got to look at them! She saw the pediatrician and had already gained almost a pound in the 6 days since she left the hospital. She left the hospital weighing 6 lbs 13 oz and she weighed 7 lbs 11 oz at the pediatrician! I guess she is getting enough breastmilk! She has put herself on a great schedule and is eating every 3- 3 1/2 hours and sleeping great in her own crib! She can already roll over onto her side and is very active with her arms and legs. She has started staying awake for a couple hours in the morning and in the evening. She has had 3 baths and her umbilical cord fell off yesterday (I kept it! -couldn't help it - I said to Chris that is the last part of me that she has- he had to remind me that she is made up entirely of me and him!) I am attaching soem videos of Ryan's first bath (please ignore me- this is 2nd day home and I look terrible!) and her falling asleep and her dancing with me and her Dad. She is so fun!

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