The Ivie Family Blog

The Ivie Family Blog

Sunday, July 10, 2016

15 months

Our precious Polly is slowly but surely turning into more of a toddler.  She is still not walking on her own and not really talking but she is looking so much older each month.  Her tummy issues are much better since seeing the GI doctor and starting the ex-lax. She is still attached to my hip and sometimes I think she would crawl back inside of me if she could!  She is a momma's girl for sure.  I hold her all the time and she will sit on my lap for hours if I will let her.  If I am in a room she wants to be on me.  I love her snuggles. She's my girl. She gives sweet kisses on command (when she feels like it).  She gives high fives, waves bye and loves to drop things and make the noise for "uh oh". She can be very feisty and has really learned to hold her own with her sisters.  I am saying "no hit" a lot these days. Her hair is really growing and she is getting a beautiful tan this summer.  Chris was relieved that she got my skin tone and not his! She loves shoes and holds them up and grunts until you put them on.  Sometimes she sleeps in shoes because she insists we put them on her when we get her dressed for bed.  She is a great eater and loves milk  and prune juice too.  She still sleeps a solid 12-13 hours at night and takes two 1.5 hour naps a day. I started to cut out her morning nap, but she really still wanted it so we are sticking with the two nap routine and it really makes her a happier baby. She is the light of our lives and all four of us just adore her to pieces.
Hanging at the library with the big kids.

Look at that long hair.
And those teeth!
Baby yoga
Pretty Polly

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