The Ivie Family Blog

The Ivie Family Blog

Monday, November 8, 2010

Tummy Bug

Tummy bug almost sounds too pleasant for what really went on at our house

Ivie girls with upset tummies
*****WARNING- this blog post talks about gross bodily functions**********
Here is how it all went down and here is the reason why I only have this pitiful picture to post. It all started Friday morning (ok, so I really can't use this as an excuse for no pics). Ryan woke up at about 1 a.m. She was kinda whining, but not really that upset. Chris is the "master" at giving her the paci and laying her back down without her waking up too much. (When you are the master at something, then you obviously should be the one to do it, right?). Because of this, he got up to go check on her. Next thing I knew Chris was calling for my help. I jumped out of bed as fast as a 7 month pregnant person can and ran into her room. When I entered I could smell it. Vomit. All over the place. On the sheets, the bumpers, the stuffed animals, the blanket, bunny, and Ryan head to toe. Poor girl had thrown up sometime in her sleep and had rolled around in it. It was all matted in her hair. The sight upset Chris and I both. Our poor baby- how awful! Why hadn't we heard her? How long had she been laying in it? I instantly thought of how miserable I always feel when I throw up and I felt so sad that my little baby had to feel that! Surprisingly Ryan was in good spirits. She really wasn't too upset about the whole ordeal. So, after a quick bath and clean sheets she was ready to go back to sleep. The only problem was that she wanted bunny. I didn't have the heart to take bunny away from her, even though he was covered in vomit. If you are sick and throwing up at my house you get whatever you want. Ryan put herself back to sleep snuggled up with vomit bunny.
In the morning, when we went to wake her she had thrown up a little more. That is what we thought happened at the time. Looking back, it may have just been smeared leftovers from vomit bunny. Either way, we dropped her off at my parents in desperate need for another bath! She got one, and so did bunny in between naps. I went to work ready to come home at any moment if Mom called me. Ryan ended up having a pretty normal day. She had a little bit of diarrhea and took a 3 hour morning and a 2.5 hour afternoon nap, but other than that was in pretty good spirits. Her appetite was a little off, so mom gave her toast. My dad had been out of town all day, but came home that evening (probably what saved him). That night I decided to stay the night with my parents. Chris was working 2 back to back shifts and wouldn't be home until Sunday and I had to work Saturday. Ryan was still a little bit off and woke up at 3a.m. and ended up in bed with my parents. I went to work as planned and came home feeling totally fine. Ryan, Mom and I went and did a little shopping and then I dropped Mom off and headed home. That is when I felt the first sign of trouble in my gut. Just a wave of nausea came over me. I told myself to get over it. I had things to do. Ryan needed to eat, she needed a bath, we had to do our bedtime routine, and then I had a million chores to do after that. Somehow I made it to the bedtime routine. I knew what was in store though. I put Ryan in her crib 15 minutes early and ran straight into my bathroom to throw up. And boy did I- violently. And it wouldn't stop. I finally caught a break and called Chris to tell him. Unfortunately he could not leave work, but he called my parents to see if they could come check on me. I told him not to, I knew there was nothing anyone could do for me. I also had a feeling that this may be happening to my mom at any moment. My mom arrived 10 minutes later to find me crumpled on the floor by the toilet. She insisted on staying the night to help me and take care of Ryan. I tried to make her go home, but there really is nothing better than having your mom take care of you when you are sick. Mom went to the store and got me some ginger ale and saltines. I took a phenegran and actually felt alright. I ate about 10 saltines and drank a glass of ginger ale. Since I hadn't eaten dinner I figured that I needed to eat something for the baby's sake. I also assumed the worst was over. My sweet mom brought me a bowl to keep next to the bed in case I couldn't make it to the bathroom later int he night. I told her there was no way that I would need it. I thought if I got sick again I could easily walk the 15 feet to my bathroom. Moms do know best. I needed that bucket 2 hours later and every hour from midnight on until 6 a.m.
When I awoke at 10 p.m. to being violently ill (and making terrible primal sounds in the process) I woke up Ryan. Mom came running in to check on me and then she went to check on Ryan. After I finished and cleaned myself up I realized Ry was still crying. I went to check on her and saw her standing up in her crib crying and my mom was nowhere in her room. I went down the hall to find my poor mother so sick, sitting on the toilet puking on herself. It was awful. She had to strip down because she was covered in vomit now too! We were both a mess! She was apologizing to me in between hurls that she wasn't helping me with Ryan. I had no idea, but she had started throwing up an hour before. We were both so sick and worthless to Ryan. Thank goodness for Dads! Dad came over and saved the day. Mom went home to be sick in the comfort of her own home (but without my dads help or support) and Dad stayed to help me by getting Ryan to sleep and staying in case she woke up again. I continued to be sick all night and Dad slept on the couch (the guest bedroom was contaminated!) Needless to say it was a ROUGH night for all of us! I wonder what in the world I would have done if I didn't have my parents. Chris would have had to come home! Either that or I would have thrown up on my baby.
I was down for the count on Sunday. Because I had thrown up 9 times and had not been able to keep down any fluids I felt like I was having contractions. I was very dehydrated. I didn't throw up anymore but I still felt awful. I called the doctor and we were planning on going to the hospital if I threw up anymore or if I started to run a fever. Neither happened, so I slept most of the day and Chris entertained Ryan. Thankfully Mom was recovering too. I didn't dare eat anything but I did manage to get some fluids down. Chris made me soup before bed, but I could only eat 2 bites. I was sound asleep at 8 p.m.
I made it through work today. I was not 100%, but I did it. I am finally feeling normal this evening. I think I may have my appetite back tomorrow. Chris and Dad have managed to avoid this bug. I hope it has run its course on our family. Poor Ryan had thrown up a little bit overnight last night, but has been fine today. Man I have done a lot of laundry these past 3 days!
I hope to have more pleasant things to write about next week.

To end on a good note Ryan is saying some more things: I-dee (Ivy, our dog), down (if you say up or pick her up she will say down), apple, Ashy (Ashlyn), tees (cheese), go (if you say ready, set she will finish with go)

1 comment:

  1. Wow Jessi - I can't imagine! I've been there a little with one of my kiddos getting this bug, and even when pregnant with Ty getting so sick I had to head to the emergency room for an IV...but NEVER all at once. You poor thing! So glad to hear you, Ry, and your mom are all feeling better. :)
